The American Academy of Dermatology estimates that 50 million Americans suffer from acne.   While many people think acne is a condition that is only seen in teenagers, it is also commonly seen in infants, children and adults, especially young to middle-aged women. No matter the age, acne may cause significant emotional stress for the patient. Often times, patients feel hopeless after multiple unsuccessful attempts with over the counter “acne treatments” or home remedies, such as avoiding chocolate or aggressive scrubbing of their skin. The good news: there are many treatment options that have been proven by scientific studies to rid your skin of those embarrassing acne bumps!


Acne is not curable, however many therapies exist that can effectively control it.  It is necessary to have a plan based on several factors, such as the patient’s skin type, ability to comply with treatment, severity of acne and cost of medications. While mild acne can generally be controlled topically with creams and washes, stubborn or more severe acne may require additional medications, such as oral antibiotics, hormonal therapies, oral contraceptive pills, isotretinoin (Accutane) or treatment procedures like blackhead extractions, laser treatments or chemical peels. It is necessary for the patient and the provider to formulate the treatment plan together. It is important to understand that there is no “quick fix” for clearing acne. In fact, it may take up to 12 weeks to achieve maximal improvement, which is why it is important to have regular follow up visits with your provider to establish tolerance and effectiveness of the treatment regimen.


Many have the belief that treating acne is not necessary, as it generally resolves with time. However, acne can leave behind permanent scarring and disfigurement, which is why it is best to treat acne early in order to prevent this complication.  If scarring has already occurred, many treatment options exist that can minimize their appearance, such as microneedling, with or without PRP (platelet rich plasma) or laser resurfacing. These procedures stimulate collagen production over time, which lessens the appearance of scars and textural abnormalities.


Over the last ten years of working as a dermatology physician assistant, I have cared for thousands of patients seeking treatment for acne. Through my own personal experience with acne, as a teenager and also as an adult, I understand the embarrassment and frustration patients experience while living with this condition. At Dean Dermatology, we practice the most advanced acne treatments and are continually exploring new advances in the treatment of acne.


For more information on acne, please visit our website at, or for an individualized treatment plan, please contact our office at 318-722-7109 to schedule a consultation.